Updated: 2023-10-25 03:32:00
: skip to main skip to sidebar Axitronics Dark energy solved By giving neutrino there own type of electric and magnetic forces . The force is known as the axial force , thus the title , axitronics , as the equivalent of electronics for . neutrinos Tuesday , 24 October 2023 Recent Neutrino Papers A recently paper from Datta , Marfatia and Mukherjee and also here looked at the B^0-K^0 inv decay , and hinted that a light scalar acting on neutrinos might be a solution , our light vector similarly could also be a solution . In Li and Yu look at the effective number of neutrinios in the Big Bang , for various Majoron masses . The Majoron is a light scalar that is a popular but undetected method of giving neutrinos masses . In href= https : arxiv.org abs 2310.13194 Bisset et al Look at potential
Updated: 2023-07-13 06:38:00
Another paper The result of the Neutrino-4 experiment, sterile neutrinos, dark matter and the Standard Model, from Gallex, Best and Sage are analyzed below, by
Updated: 2022-12-24 12:42:00
: , . skip to main skip to sidebar Axitronics Dark energy solved By giving neutrino there own type of electric and magnetic forces . The force is known as the axial force , thus the title , axitronics , as the equivalent of electronics for . neutrinos Saturday , 24 December 2022 High Energy Gamma Rays found from distance Gamma Ray Bursters , are they axiphotons . The Gamma Ray Burster , GRB 221009A Is mystery to modern physics . Observations found Gamma Rays up to 18TeV in Energy . But above 15GeV , the GZM mechanism , R . C . Gilmore , R . S . Somerville , J . R . Primack , and A . Dominguez , Mon . Not . R . Astron . Soc . 422, 3189 2012 Shows that any higher energy photons would scatter of cosmic background radiation , producing pions . So what was travelling the 645 MegaParsecs from